
Exile Lost Prologue

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A tyrant’s rule is never considered great, nor is it ever cared for. Yet what is it that truly defines a tyrant, is it the nature of the person or is it the nurturing of the soul in a cold world that creates the kind of ruler none wish to stand under? Is the temptation of power too great for man to resist, or is it that some sort of darkness was born within himself that cannot be avoided? History can never be clear, nor can it ever be confirmed for somehow man inevitably finds himself lost in the annals of time attempting to discover what the truth is and whether the truth is what was once taught and still is. Of course history can never truly dictate the course fate has set out, it can only offer predictions and insights, telling the people of Espkiel that most kings are benevolent and well-intentioned, and telling them a divided system was one that worked. A peaceful time is one that offers few disputes, but peace can also breed discontent and create a system that offers little in the way of morals many might consider good or great.
Yet when the land feels itself under the greatest pressure of all and falls under the tyrannical rule of a single man the question of whether or not peace is good or violence bad arises. Violence breeds unhappiness, so too does peace; but where the harming of one another creates unhappiness by forcing him to go against his very nature, peace breeds unhappiness in boredom and idleness. Peace leaves time for thought and observation and in this observation a man might begin to wonder just whether or not the world is as wonderful as he is taught, it is a perfect creation free of flaws. As Espkiel fell under the rule of one such man, one so great he was said to imitate myth itself, there was no way to tell just whether or not the man had been born with the darkness in his heart or whether some great misunderstanding on the people’s part had led to their own demise. It was impossible to tell whether or not in the time of peace the man had noted some great flaw in humanity and in a declaration of power taken it upon himself to fix these flaws, or if in the twisted view of life he possessed all walks of life outside his own were seen as flaws that needed to be corrected and minds reeducated. Whether it is evilness or misunderstanding on a party’s part one thing is always universally certain: A man who claims the power for himself and leaves the world of truth and justice behind is undeniably a tyrant in heart and mind, spirit and soul. The way this man is viewed stems from the way the people view such a creature.
Dranz di Ralz, the tyrant of a land stemmed in myth, is viewed as a mystery by those he chooses to destroy under his fierce gauntleted hand that often demolishes the peace that had once been built. But whether he is truly a ruler or merely a person seeking the ultimate destruction of the world cannot be determined by those who live in his current era of rule, for the rule by this single creature had lasted for many cycles and generations. The rule had extended itself for so long that none were certain when it had started, nor were they certain if it was the same being ruling them as the one who had ruled their ancestors. There was no way to tell just when the rule might end either, for it extended to and from infinity for all eternity, misery extending itself with it.
The story of the ruler of the people reaches far beyond the annexes of the history that had been recorded, and any history that might have ever existed about the man they were forced to call king had long ago been banned or destroyed in all towns and cities that fell under his eager, reaching hand. Those who had any potential knowledge of their king did not live past the great fiery raids, and even those that managed to survive had been hunted out and shortly thereafter destroyed. These had been the men and women in charge of the history of the world and as they were destroyed the history of their world and their ruler became a mystery. As man fell into the abyss of uncertainty and ignorance he began to lose hope for the world was not what it had once been.
This is what the prologue became. Pretty amazing, huh?
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